These babies are showing love!

On Friday, I was presented with this huge thank you card and a BUNCH of letters from the students of Adams Middle School in Tampa, FL. =) feels good to be walkin’ my path. thats some real #queenbiz right there.

I can’t wait to sit down and ready everything.. and probably cry. LoL.

Thank you Adams Middle School!

What are some of the ways that you are working with the youth in our communities? Let’s talk about it!


I believe the children are our future...

I believe the children are our future….

ooohhh. we miss you, Whitney!

But thats not really what I came here to say… or sing… okay, focus D.

Last week, I had the honor of participating (for the 2nd year in a row) in the Great American Teach In. What a privilege it is to get to build with the babies all day long.

I visited Adams Middle School in Tampa, FL. While I was initially asked to visit one class, the principal got a hold of my music and message and asked me to come in for the whole day. I spent seven class periods with three classes in each period, for a total of about 350 students. I performed, showed them a couple of videos and answered a bunch of questions. ..and what great questions they were!

Our babies are BRILLIANT! They asked some wonderfully well thought out questions.. questions that made me pause and think before answering.

A few of them came up and performed for their classes. One who, according to the teachers, wouldn’t even look anyone in the eyes just last semester was now in front of the class rapping. Lovely!

I’m looking forward to being able to travel more and connect with our youth all across the country and world. Join me in loving up on them. They need us and the truth is.. we need them too. After all, they are our future.
Much love,

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